Jay Hemsley
Dakota Group

Passionate. Driven. Visual.

A color-blocked design for a portfolio of targeted visual companies.

The imprint of the Dakota Group, a stylized capital D.


While I was working with Hub & Spoke, their parent company was in need of a simple landing page bringing together all of their creative properties under one umbrella.

I put together a simple landing page based off of a provided design that listed all of the Dakota Group’s properties and provided easy navigation to all of them, while also initializing an online presence for the parent company itself.

The site’s animations are all CSS-based and use the Animate On Scroll CSS library. Given that the site was supposed to be a quick project, it was more efficient to use pre-built libraries rather than re-inventing the wheel. The site came together nicely and has proved to be a mainstay for the company.

  • September 2018
  • Front-End Development
The Dakota Group's new homepage.The view of the new contact page.